mysummerhill ❤
Sunday, December 31, 2006
12:31 AM
last day of 2006, and i assume this will be my last entry this year!!! (: it has been a really "happening" year for me and im gonna give thanks to all my LOVES as usual (:
--->dec2005 entry


though this year i havent been going to church that often anymore, but HE is always in my heart for i know He never forsake me ((: i still read my daily bread and bible, and alway am faithful to Him!!! Thank YOU DADDY for loving and guiding me for the whole of this year .. and also the years to come (: Thanks for all the blessings! I PRAISE YOU MY LORD


i still love them as much as ever though daddy and mommy havent been spending much time with me recently.. but i know they still care and love me.. jus by dad saying "girl, sorry ah. recently haven been spending much time with you ah" .... thats enough (: as for my sis ... she's still treating me really good :D hehe ! she wants me to blog that she bought me a pair of shorts for my xmas this year ((: thanks jie !


ting, li, shan.... finally all of us are outta sec sch life (: and eventhough we werent able to meetup that often this year ... but those few meetups we had were great, wonderful, memorable and such (: and for me... i feel that we're still as close as ever :D:D i donno abt u girls, but i LOVE YOU GIRLS MANY MANY STILL (: (: may our sister-ship still stay like this for 2007 and counting .......*LOVES*


and in 2007... it marks the start of my poly life!! and PRAISE GOD, i came to know ame and jac (: they make lectures and tut enjoyable... and also motivates me to sch everyday :D:D and to my dear ame.. thanks for always listening to me whine and stuff ((: loveeees lots and hope we'll still be in touch IF we are in the diff class for year2 !

also not forgetting the silly daphne and funny gerri :D:D those 2 funny girls are fun to be with!!! :) whee. and the WHOLE of 1h11 ((: i'll never regret gettin knowing any one of them in class . thanks ALL for making my poly year1 so fun and enjoyable... CCN day and more (:


this year wouldnt be as great if it wasnt for him (: everything was really great .. at least for me, i enjoyed every moment we had !!! :D though it ended that way again, but i really Thank God for letting me have this chance to love this guy more this time. and also letting us still be good friends after everything. thanks!!!! ((:

after everything, i know that im still deeply loved by my Heavenly Father :D:D i wanna thank everyone whom made me smile (even jus once) this year :D THANKS ! and ..... thanks you too new-friend !

i'll miss 2006 but im really looking forward to 2007 !


Thursday, December 28, 2006
11:03 PM
had super nice stuff for dinner with kenny on xmas nite ((: he gave me another xmas present too :D

wanted to have dum briyani but no more ): so we had the other stuff which were really nice as well :D i wanna go there again for mee goreng!

met up with the GANG on tuesday((:
(: den we went to pepperlunch for lunch

i totally have no idea why they are soooo fascinated over jw's laptop! haa. look how happy they were :p

asstan ((: can nv forget those "recess timeS" we had

chuiting zhiyin xueying huishi ((:

i wanted to take photo ONLY with justin .haa .but after i pass kelvin the camara and turned my head back, i saw jiawei standing there preparing to take his shot too! HAHA .thats why i looked so happy in this photo! (funny lah) LOL

kelvin & justin! guys love cam-whoring too :)

zhiyin!! friends since primary 2 ((:

omg! jw you are a funny ass! haha

and later, they went to watch movie while i went to meet my friend :) accompanied him for lunch and we went to play pool!!! :D though only a short while but thanks, it was fun !
you put ur foot under my foot loh hahahaaaa! -.-

met up with the gang later at nite at JE. the guys played pool while asstan and i chatted and played pacman on jw's ibook! its so cool ( i mean the ibook) :D

i really enjoyed myself super lots with the GANG that day :D thanks asstan, zinc, xy, jw, jus & kelvin for all the laughter we had (: till we meet again alright (: !

went to work on wednesday

filings and moreee filings ...

worked halfday and went to meet my girls for projects after that (: spent a few hours discussing and splitting up the work .. den we went to shop after that.. but gerri left...

super appealing donutsssss :D
daphne bought the spicy cheese one but taste alright to me only .hee

den we went to town and later bugis after jac left.. did some shopping :) and also painted ame's nails ! hahaaa. cute rite?? we were jus testing anw... ((: that cute girl wanted to get her BLACK.. but couldnt find ):

you girls (plus gerri) made projects enjoyable.. :D thanks!

went home and painted my own french mani with my new nail enamel:D teehee!

suppose to go to work today but was alil too tired so i stayed home instead... but .. i still went to meet mom in the afternoon in town .she was at robinson and they were having SALES :D bought a few stuff and mom paid for them (((((: heeeee~ thanks mommy! went MANGO and i finally got that top that i've been searching for :) previously the size i want was OOS!

2007 soonnnnnnn !

- I wanna Praise You with all my heart, all my life

Monday, December 25, 2006
8:17 PM
hohoho! merry xmas everyone (: hope all of you had a wonderful & memorable christmas this year. for me, i enjoyed myself alot .. though i donno why im feeling weird now . but nvm .. so...

on xmas eve, met shan in the late afternoon since she is going town to meet her bf and im going town to get some stuffs (:


she bought this for her KOH SIONG WEI ((: cute lah! haa

bought lotsa stuff and went to kenny's place for xmas dinner with his family (: (thanks!)

photos below may cause unstoppable droolings :p haa

kenny prepared this and it was really nice!!!!!

(: yumm.
we drank beer, wine and stout too ! haa
kenny's mom can really drink!! and that makes kenny a good drinker too! he drank quite alot actually! =x

the precious of the Chew Family



after one whole year .. its the first time gugu is not tied up when im arnd cos she used to always bark at me when she sees me ): and finally she "accepted" me ytd after feeding her and stuff!! :D haa. really happy to see her running arnd the hse (freely) lah..

we had fondue too. kenny prepared the choc. it was NICE tooo:D

watched curse of the golden flower after dinner. not as nice as i expected it to be ): but it was really grand(: i wanna watch A night at the museum :D:D

this is the logcake i bought for his family! :D auntie and kenny said its nice ((: hee. and i also bought smth small for his mom and his sis....

ofcos kenny's (:

hope you like them ! ((:

this is the present he bought for me ((: hee
(yeah .we bought the same wrapper coincidentally)

Gucci Envy Me toilette
thanks alot ! its really nice ((:

i really had a wonderful dinner at his place. his mom, sis, sis's friend and him, they were really great. thanks for everything! thanks for all the laughter during dinner! (: all the jokes and stuff. everything seems so perfect. especially after dinner.

the next day .. i saw this on my dining table

its a present from my dad and mom. after reading the lil msg they wrote on the wrapper, i cant help but cried ):

these few months they havent been spending much time with me ..i uds its bcos of my dad's hectic schedule.. but we gradually talked to each other lesser each day .. and even sometimes.. i dont get to see them for a few consecutive days... but anyway , i still love them!

lastly, Thank You Daddy for everything that had happened. im really happy. more than happy ! thanks for letting me enjoy myself so much this xmas when i tot it would be a sad and lonely one. i really hope things will still be this way always. Daddy, keep me strong. i know You are always there for me.

-Give your all to Christ; He gave His all for you

Sunday, December 24, 2006
11:11 AM
Merry Christmas !!!
everyone ((:

time flies and its another christmas for christine :)
hope everyone will have a wonderful and blessed xmas this year !

What shall i give for Christmas
To him who gave Himself for me?
To Him i give my life, my love.
For time and for eternity.

-when are we going to give Jesus His present? :D

Thursday, December 21, 2006
9:19 PM
have been spending quite a lot recently.. so i'll be squeezing time out next week to work for a few "half-days"...

went out with kenny few days back. he was so kind to accompany me to do some xmas shopping(: thanks alot! haa

whee~ off i go .

went for lunch and we stuffed ourselves with food that we ended up skipping dinner!

he ate almost all the bread and even attacked me with them!! he threw bread crumbs on me!!! @#*(#$(@#% and they got stuck onto my hair ! heh heh

i love this baked macaroni ((:

over-salty black pepper ribs. other than the sauce.. its nice :) but i was toooo full so kenny finish most of it.

i have to say he is really good at deboning (is there such a word?) (:

den we went to play pool!

didnt get to take a photo there.. so i got it from yahoo instead! -.- hahaa.
kenny is good at this! my first time playing with him! and my second time playing pool.

watched A Battle of Wits. nice ((: i like !

he is so nice to get me a belt and a keychain which he claimed resembles me from bangkok

nah ! does it even looks like me? ): haa

went bugis with ting one of the days after her work too ! ((: happyshopping !

after that.. met buddy for a lonnnnnng chat (:

forced him to take photo with me! he looked sleepy lah!

went out with ame today ((: suppose to go for class outing at sentosa !!! but it was cancelled due to the rain in the morning! ): boo!

lunched at hk cafe. ate some dimsum(:

open eyes BIG BIG ! haa

the mango ice is nice nice nice! :D i like .jus that its a little too thick

yingting did for ame and her other friends (: so nicee & sweet

this is my boyfriend for the time-being (: he might be a lil too short for this shot .haa

den we went to take neos again! haa

i like the neo taken this time! so nicee :D

sweeeeeet right ? :D:D iLIKEyou know ?

she finally finished her xmas shopping and i bought stuff for myself too (from mango sales) :D i love going out with amelia bcos she does silly stuff which always make me laugh!

den met ting for dinner at my place! tabao-ed kfc and we shared ((:

she's really unhappy that the packet of popcorn chicken is so small! haa. that cute girl ((:

recently, my friend was telling me that i have no direction in life. as in no goals.. no plans. and actually its quite true. so i spent the past few days thinking abt it. about how i want my life to be. about how it will end up like. and in the end, i couldnt even figure out where im heading now. as in .. i totally have no idea what i wanna be in the future. what job scope i'll be working in. but at the same time after all the thinking, i realised that there is smth in life that i yearn for for now, which is happiness. i wanna do smth that i like.. that no matter how tough it will be, or how little benefits i'll gain from it, i'll still be happy. and i think now is the time for me to think what abt my future ((: just 2 years later. my own future, my own life. i gotta do more own-thinking now

bumped into quite a few swiss peeps these days ((: saw ASS TAN ! :D:D with her bf ofcos. hehee. saw may twicee, or even more than twice. haa. and saw qiling too ! she's still as hyper as usual! i miss the sweets-giving time :)

no one is indispensable in life, thats why i need to cherish people arnd me more.

-He lived as our teacher, died as our sacrifice, and rose from the grave as our Savior




follower of Christ
nineteen 180289-
simple'd <3


amelia myLOVE
yong chiang
yong xian


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