mysummerhill ❤
Monday, February 28, 2005
6:55 PM
hOhoh! edited my blog.. hehe.. anw.. today all remedials were cancelled! cos today is 'o's result release day! hehe.. shanny got A2 for chinese!! wee~ hehee.. congrats shan.. hope all snrs score well! especially all from band de! lala~ mdm tang call me go and see ppl cry.. she say i next year will be crying there tOo! thats so mean! eeee! =x hehe

anw.. after school went to cwp with shann and tingg.. hehe.. =) shann bought smth for her laogOng.. den later we tOok photo.. hmmpf! cant get ppl scan photo.. gotta wait for daddy to be free den.. =D hehe.. after a while.. shann gotta go le.. to meet mR.lee.. den ting and i go home le.. had a great day today i suppose.. only today got bad hair day.. =x hehe

tml got 4 periods of english.. im so 'looking forward' to it.. =x hehe.. after that got band!! wee~ nonami san coming.. hehe.. miss him! he's so cute loh.. =p oops! *blushes* listening to the Cd justin lent me! nice! gotta do homework today!!! i must! hehe.. =p gtg.. take care..

-(( you're more than a story ))-

Sunday, February 27, 2005
10:05 PM
wee~ hehe.. hello! today is such a fun and Blessed day! hehe.. =p woke up at 9.. washed up and went to cityhall to meet justin for church service.. NewCreation church!! =DD first time! hehe.. went to pei him had lunch first at rafflescity.. den later walked arnd at suntec city.. 1pm+ den went to line up to go into the auditorium.. haha.. veh veh fun.. (:

had praise and worship.. den the pastor was veh humourous.. hehe.. learnt alot! wee~ met my cousin there! didnt know she was in that church too.. =) ended arnd 4.. went to town with jus.. walked arnd.. had dinner at scotts.. =) den later go home le.. hehe.. feel so Blessed today.. =p

I love God for i know how much God loves me.. ! hehe.. haven finish my hw.. die die! =x hehe.. gtg.. take care peeps..

-(( jesus love me ))-

1:42 AM
wee~ my guardian angel.. =)

Saturday, February 26, 2005
12:19 PM
hOho!! im back in action! wee~ hmm.. life has been okie few days back.. first.. i wanna make it clear that i no longer care about anything concerning him.. so peeps.. pls pls don tok to me bout him again alrite.. and to that thing that happened.. i don care either.. do wadever you want.. its none of my business.. (=

hehe.. happie that all along.. shan and ting has been there for me.. muack and hugss.. and ofcos.. huishi, justin, feroz.. thanks.. school was alrite.. this week is kinda stressed up.. hehe.. donno why also.. lotza testS? and teachers were all rushing us to hand in our file and exercise books.. =_-" anyway.. finally one week gone le~

ytd had band.. went to SCH.. hais.. it wasnt a good one we've gotta admit.. =( but im sure swisswinds will work hard to get wad we WANT! hehehe.. love swisswinds to the core man.. we are one big family! hehe.. no matter who u are ! lala~ mr.chew flared up ytd.. and reduced the size of band.. but im veh sure in the end u guys will still be in k! huggies.. don cry le! yup! like wad justin said.. its a wake up call for us!
+swisswinds unites+

next monday will be the release of 'o's.. good luck to everyone!! hehe.. especially qiling, qiurong, xueting, yiqian, hanxiang, ben, all snrs i know loh.. and sijie, chuishan!!! hehe.. higher mother tongue! add oil girls.. hehe..

tink i`ll stop here.. life's great without you..

-(( get lost! ))-

Monday, February 21, 2005
10:57 PM
hOhoho! im so happie todaY! yeah! first.. ermm.. school was great! no teacher scold me! (= wahah! after schOol met up with ting.. went to eat ice-cream! hehe.. den later shan came to meet us.. by the time ting go remedial le~ hehe.. so i pei shan go buy fries..

eat eat eat.. den go my science remedial liao.. (= shan pei wo woh! hehe.. muack! after remedial.. skipped chem.. so shan and i waited for ah ting in the canteen (= tok tok tok.. wee~ love simpledOlls..

arnd 5+.. ting finish remedial le.. so we meet up.. den later shan hafta go for remedial from o53o to o7oo.. sayang shan! =) so ting and i actually wanna go home le.. but while walking to the bus stop at ting's house.. we were toking bout our hair.. den suddenly.. we both feel like cutting hair.. so went to cut immediately! wee~ hehe..

after that.. wanted to ask our 'friends' out.. but they not free.. so we both went causeway alone.. hehe! took photo with our new hairstyle.. gonna blog it when i get someone to scan for me.. den went to buy new bag! hehe.. (= happie day!

busy right now.. wahaha.. toking on phone.. blog tml.. nites..

-(( my whole new world ))-

Sunday, February 20, 2005
11:39 AM
hOho! had band ytd.. went to SCH for rehearsal.. it was kinda fun.. (= den after that.. went to mAc and slack awhile with ting.. chatted with cOrnet-lover and smiley guy! haha.. den arnd 4+ we go home le.. cos at 6 meeting siok, shan, ting at jurong mrt! we go eat steambOat.. haha.. yeah! was late in the end.. (= went to meet feroz and justin b4 i meet them ma.. wahaha!

so we took the train to marina bay.. it was the first time for the 4 of us to go marina bay liddat.. anw.. went walk.. saw alot of gangs.. =_-" den we went to take the bus to the steambOat place loh.. veh squeezy and far! den finally.. settled down.. hehe.. like mountain tOrtoise donno wad to do.. den went to get food etc.. (= quite fun.. but veh veh tiring.. (=

eat until 11pm liddat.. den we walk wanted to walk to town.. but got lost.. so flag a car and they say can bring us to the mrt.. wee~ so in the end took train to town.. walk walk.. pei shan find ryan whos in yOuthpark.. den later.. go home le~ took the last train which alights at kranji.. den we alight at wOodlands.. couldnt go home.. no transport.. so in the end 4 of us share cab.. siok ton at my house..

chatted till 3+ den finally slp le.. (= woken by her today.. went to mAc and eat.. den walk arnd lot1.. den go home le.. was veh tired.. phew~
hais.. i choose not know.. im happie now.. i don wanna tink about it anymore.. hais..

-(( the unwanted dream.))-

Thursday, February 17, 2005
9:09 PM
hOhoho! 3more hours to my 16th biRthday! hahaha.. today was quite a nice day.. (= first.. english test is postponed to tml.. social studies remedial is cancelled.. emaths test which is suppose to my tml is cancelled! haha.. (= yeah! after school went to had lunch with shan.. den went for accounts remedials..

after remedials.. meet up with ting.. den we go bugis.. hehe.. she pei me go buy bag! hehe.. but in the end din see anything i like.. sob! haha.. yup.. so went home arnd 7 liddat.. tml after sch don feel like going chinese remedial.. wahaha! *evil grins*.. den will accompany ah ting go collect scOred.. shan got remedials after sch.. accounts! =/ eeee~ haha..

tink nth much happened.. im happie.. thats it.. haha..

-(( tell me im dreaming ))-

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
8:27 PM
hEllo everyone! today had band.. gosh.. im so worned out man.. haha.. played alpha and rhaps repeatingly.. =/ veh veh tired.. fingers went numb.. back aching.. =P hehe.. complained toO much.. okok.. ermm.. yup!

school was okie today.. had assembly.. the debators from 4e5 are realli cool man! haha.. they speak like machine gun yet clear! 2thumbs up! haha.. (= den met up with shan and ting after assembly.. (= bought ice-cream for lunch! yummie.. hehe.. den go band le.. had sectionals den full band.. n_n

after band.. was realli realli hungry.. go went to get dOnut then go home le.. anw.. realli hope teresa is okie le.. girl.. if u're reading this.. rmb.. always look on the brite side of like k! (= huggies.. den after that ting and i go home le.. mom cook laksa today.. haha.. yummie.. okok.. tink i gtg.. take care peeps! today belinda's birthday! (=

-(( imissyou ))-

Monday, February 14, 2005
7:54 PM
hOhoho everyone.. today's valentine's day.. how did u all spend your day lehs? for me.. its a normal day ba.. (= received a present from deyu.. he's so good.. he gave to shan, ting and me! hee.. thanks dude! after schOol went to take accounts test.. den wait for ah ting.. she are.. veh veh slow de lehs! (=

erm.. stayed in the library with eugene, justin and feroz.. later ms.seah come.. they toking about band.. when toking bout confidential stuffs.. i go walk walk.. cos mus wait for cookie ma! hehe.. her prince today gave her present woh! shan also go meet her mr.lee after school! ah li also mit rAld.. (= im so happie for dem! hehe..

after ting okie le.. pei her do her accounts.. den we go makan cup noodles.. (= den go home le.. hehe.. layteng lend me [zhang shao han] de CD.. aurora~! hehe.. veh nice.. and.. my dad dad de company project finally launch at somerset today! hehe.. dad i knew u can make it! muack! im veh happie this valentine's day le.. (= thanks..

-(( iloveyou ))-

Friday, February 11, 2005
9:31 PM
hellO! kinda jus got home.. ((: went to schOol today.. sian! haha.. cos its like.. 2days hols.. one day schOol.. den weekends! spoil everything.. haha.. but nvm la.. went home straight after schOol.. took a nap.. den went to meet ting le~!! heehee.. she's back from msia! miss you giRl!

den went to town! hehe.. walk walk.. ting bought a top.. den i bought my BoA album le! hehe.. got dvd mtv!! wee~ gonna watch it later if got time! hehe.. dad say he's gonna get for me! so he pays for it! muack!! den walk walk.. go home arnd 8+.. cos ting gotta go home for dinner! hehe..

listening to the boa album now! most of the songs i have it in the other albums.. cos this is the selection kinda dics ma! ((: but nvm.. i love it! BoA rOcks! =P tml going to my aunt house for gathering as usual during new year season! take care peeps! muack muack!

-(( miSses ))-

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
8:55 PM
xing niAn kuai le~!!! hehehe.. today is the first day of 'xing nian'!! hehe.. hope it will be a veh veh good start all everyone! ((: wee~ woke up ar 10+ today.. can say its the lastest i'd ever woke up during chinese new year.. cos daddy didnt slp for 3days.. so mom say wait for dad to wake up.. hehe..

yup! so woke up.. went to wash up and everything.. hehe.. den pai nian to my dad and mom! dad gave me $120.. mom gave $80! hehe.. dad gave less den last time! hehe.. mom remained as usual! den later.. sis and her husband came to pai nian! hehe.. jie give me $48.. wahha! okie.. den later went out to pai nian le.. veh veh tired! =P

today went to daddy's side de relative.. tomolo going to mom's side de.. wee~ hahaha.. kinda jus got home.. so i`ll stop here.. happie new year peeps! hehehe

-(( yOu made me fall deeper! muack! ))-

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
11:14 AM
hOhoho.. today is chinese new year eve~!!! hehe.. suppose to go to school today for 3periods of lessons.. but didnt go.. =/ oOps.. was kinda guilty cos my mom was like.. 3periods only and u don wanna go.. =_-" urghh.. ytd lessons were alrite.. didnt go for phys and chem remedials after schOol.. went home instead.. =/

hmm.. hope my teachers wun be upset over this.. =D gees.. hehe.. tonite gonna haf reunion dinner with my dad's side de family.. and btw.. my dad haven come back home for 2nites le.. he's busy doing his work.. hais yOh.. hope chinese new year he's able to relax~ weeh.. hehe.. still donno wad to wear at nite.. lala~ i'll end here.. take care peeps.. =P

-(( don remind me! ))-

Sunday, February 06, 2005
11:02 PM
hOho!! today morning was awoken by buddy's phonecall! hahaha.. den later went to use comp etc.. den washed up and meet my cousins in town.. ((: walk walk den later went to kovAn.. my uncle house.. ((: ermm.. its like so long since we all gathered and chatted.. haha.. had steamboat there.. yummie and veh veh full.. haha.. =)

after that.. go home arnd 9+ cos everyone's working and studying tml ma.. urghh! sian loh.. tml got testssss! hate it man.. feeling so stressed up.. and stupid christine is not doing anything to it.. haha.. i din study.. oops.. anw.. god bless me den..

-(( confused. ))-

Saturday, February 05, 2005
9:02 PM
hOho!! hello everyone.. had band today.. woke up at o545!!! haha.. meeting justin, sat and feroz to walk to school!! =_-" but in the end we din lah.. cos too tired.. took bus from the 3rd busstop from my house. ((: den waited for shan with ting.. haha.. late again..

mr.chew came realli early today so had fullband for istana repertoire.. den after band went to haf cup-noodles.. wee~ miss it.. den after that shan and ting went out.. i gotta go yewtee CC for cip training.. =_-" veh tired.. but quite fun anw.. haha.. so after that arnd o53o went home with huishi.. ((:

reached home.. nth much.. bathed.. tok.. etc.. haha.. and here im gonna fall slp anytime.. hehe.. there's alot of test on monday and hws.. =/ how how how??? arghhh.. no mood to do.. blehs..

-(( special day ))-

Thursday, February 03, 2005
9:56 PM
hohoho!! finally friday is reaching.. haha.. weekends!! i miss you~!! bleh.. okie.. today lessons were boring man!! almost fell asleep for every lesson.. oops~ but i din la.. hehe.. (: after school met shan for lunch break b4 going for accounts test(remedial)!! yucks.. im having accounts test for every single week!! =/

den later got social studies remedial.. gosh.. mr.kamal is making me so freaking nervous.. haha.. he's making things sound so serious.. relating everything to 'o's.. =// nvm!! and finally.. remedials are over for today!!!!! wee~ went to lot1 with sathiyaa, justin and feroz.. they accompany go to popular.. haha.. donno wads wrong with them today! ((: so good pei wo~

den bought my stuffs and go home le.. thanks ar guys! today got physics and english test.. urgh.. but it will end soon! yes!!! 124o!! woHhoo~ after that got chinese remedial!! =/ reali realli realli don feel like going.. but the teacher will kp me.. =( sob.. so going.. after that.. gotta go dC.. luckily shan also having DC.. can pei wo~ but poor ting gotta be in band alone for a while.. wait for us k! hehehe!

-(( lOve jAm ))-

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
8:05 PM
hellO~ school was alrite today.. went to library during amaths lesson.. cos i drop.. haha.. was reallie relaxing.. (: gees.. everything was okie.. assembly prog is boring as usual.. haha.. den met up with ting and shan b4 band.. (= im simply love dem!! and ofcos our baobei yuhli!!!

den went to band.. wasnt reallie late.. but still late.. haha.. anw.. went for sectionals.. wee~ fun as usual!! den later got full band.. joce took us.. mr.chew got smth on.. (: half way thru.. li called.. erm.. giRl.. u know we will be here listen to u.. reallie hope u're feeling better le.. know u tried ur best.. love is limitless de.. take care kk..

den later band ended at 6+.. went to get bread for dinner with ting at 7-11.. den walked to bus stop.. met jenn.. so we 3 walk tgt.. shan go and find her mr.lee.. reached home.. bathe.. tml got chinese test.. =/ oh yah.. gonna do DC on friday.. i don rmb being recorded late!!! nvm lah! haha.. (=

-(( whats going on? ))-




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